CPA Services
Encourage Your Clients to Take a Better Route When Dealing with IRS Criminal Investigations
CPA’s are specialized in various areas of accounting, including write-up, income tax preparation, auditing, consulting, and business valuation. Generally, CPA firms prefer clients that comply with laws and regulations and prefer not to be involved in criminal income tax cases, fraud, money laundering or structuring cases. Therefore, most CPA firms prefer to refer a case with criminal law ramifications to a specialist.
When your client is involved with an IRS criminal matter, they look to you for help. However, you will have a conflict of interest; because you will be a government witness. You can help your client by referring them to Sage. We are specialists in criminal IRS matters, and we can help them prevail. Your clients will be grateful and appreciative to you and remain your loyal client. Sage does not perform write-up, income tax preparation, or auditing services. We do not want your tax business. We just want to help your clients who have an IRS criminal matter.
When it comes to criminal procedures of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for income tax matters, money laundering matters (18 USC 1956 and 1957), Form 8300 violations (26 USC 6050I) and Structuring (31 USC 5324), Sage Investigations is your client’s best ally. With over 50 years of combined IRS Special Agent experience, we know the ins and outs of the IRS and our team has the experience and expertise necessary to efficiently and effectively follow the money in complex financial investigations. We have the means to help analyze financial data faster and less expensive, which will allow better representation of your client’s interest while allowing your firm to serve more clients.
Benefits of partnering with Sage Investigations:
- Avoid conflict of interest in an IRS criminal matter
- Help to battle against the IRS
- Increase your profitability by analyzing financial data faster
- Gain inside knowledge of IRS Criminal Investigation procedures
- Eliminate surprises through financial investigation (i.e. income or employment tax, structuring money laundering, and Form 8300)
- Identify problems and solutions quickly
- Save time and money through controlled investigation
- Develop accurate facts to build a winning case
- Provide a better understanding of the IRS to help your client prevail
- Use our IRS Criminal Investigative knowledge, training and experience to identify financial patterns to benefit your client
- In Form 8300 money laundering matters determine the false information on the form to help you better defend your client (Proactively train your clients to avoid Form 8300 pitfalls)
- In Structuring matters (Title 31 USC), determine the source of the funds and why the structuring took place and reconcile the tax returns (known income) with business and or personal records to prove the likely source of the funds
- Hold your client’s hand and keep them informed about the status and activities or inactivity’s of the IRS
Either through consulting or an investigation we can see what you might be too close to seeing.
We Will:
- Develop an investigative plan that helps prove or disprove allegations
- Develop the evidence through interviews, observations and the preservation of documents and computer evidence
- Help identify the responsible party and to what extent the client has been damaged
- Determine weaknesses in internal controls for your further review and recommendations
- Assist with understanding if a whistle blower is acting in collusion with the IRS Criminal Investigation
- Locate and interview previous employees
- Prepare a report that will aid in proper decision making
Our Services:
Sage consults with the client’s attorney defending Federal matters involving income tax investigations, money launderings, structuring, and Form 8300 investigations. At the state level, Sage consults with plaintiff or defense attorneys on white collar, theft and fraud cases including embezzlement, construction fraud and other fraud. Call us at 512-659-3179 when your client needs an ally.
Benefits of Having Sage Investigations as a Consultant:
- Will have inside knowledge of IRS Criminal Investigation procedures
- Secure and organize records to be used by the defense
- Litigation support that helps to build a winning defense
- A compelling presentation that paints the picture of the evidence
We Will:
- Eliminate surprises through financial investigation (i.e. income or employment tax, structuring money laundering, and Form 8300)
- Develop accurate facts to build a winning case
- Provide a better understanding of the IRS Procedures to help your client prevail
- Use our IRS Criminal Investigative knowledge, training and experience to identify financial patterns
- Help battle against the IRS
- Provide focus on the intent element of the case
- Provide consulting and expert witness reports and testimony
Financial Investigations and Analysis
When Sage does a financial investigation and analysis, we provide your client with an accurate summary of detailed financial information. This allows their attorney to have the knowledge needed to best represent the client.
Sage has developed a proprietary technology (DIO) to analyze complex financial data quickly, easily and efficiently.
Call us at 512-659-3179 when your client needs a financial investigation.
We Will:
- Eliminate surprises through financial investigation (i.e. income or employment tax, structuring money laundering, and Form 8300)
- Develop accurate facts to build a winning case
- Provide a better understanding of the IRS Procedures to help your client prevail
- Use our IRS Criminal Investigative knowledge, training and experience to identify financial patterns
- Help battle against the IRS
- Provide consulting and expert witness reports and testimony
DIO Technology
Sage has a proprietary software database named DIO. DIO is an advanced technology that enables you to analyze complex financial data quickly, easily and efficiently. DIO technology aids in conducting the financial investigation of bank accounts, brokerage accounts, and credit card accounts and follows the money quickly, easily and efficiently. DIO can report through MS Excel in a source and application format or in various indirect methods of reporting income. The speed and accuracy of DIO is above all the rest and will aid in reconciling returns to records, generate evidence based reports and allow better decisions in less than half the time.. Call us at 512-659-3179 when you and your client want to save time and money.
DIO Is a Win-Win That Will:
- Save you time
- Save your client money
- Obtain more accurate information faster
Please call us at 512-659-3179 for a free consultation.