How to Avoid Intrusion and Account Takeover

How to Avoid Intrusion and Account Takeover

The use of computers in business is as necessary as breathing fresh air. Businesses with access to public information such as credit card numbers, social security or employment identification, dates of birth, names, and addresses must maintain a secure computer server...
Estate Planning Before Divorce

Estate Planning Before Divorce

If you plan to be married, it is in your best interest to protect your assets in case of a divorce. You would much rather be financially sound than devastated if a divorce does occur. The primary way to protect your assets is to locate an Estate and Trust Attorney to...
Understanding Employee Retention Tax Credit

Understanding Employee Retention Tax Credit

Number one on the IRS 2023 Dirty Dozen list is the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC) misuse. This refundable tax credit is designed to reward business owners for retaining employees throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath. IRS is cautioning business...
Introducing the Litigation Support Component of DIO

Introducing the Litigation Support Component of DIO

With advances in technology and the growing complexity of global banking and business, numerous new avenues of deceit are created daily for swindlers to mask illegal and fraudulent activity. The money movement between companies, governments, and individuals has become...
Actual Fraud vs. Constructive Fraud

Actual Fraud vs. Constructive Fraud

In divorce matters, a spouse may be exposed to constructive fraud through the waste of community assets by the other spouse. In community property states, spouses have a fiduciary duty to each other and place trust in each other to be responsible for the community...